dat southern tree overhang doh ft. Good Will dress numba uno |
At district meeting last Tuesday we sang I'm trying to be like Jesus, and let me just tell you when you have 8 adults who are literally trying their hardest to be like the Savior singing a primary song, the spirit is pretty overwhelming. It was definitely one of the better parts of the week! Also me and Sis E bought a bunch of dresses at Good Will last pday and we've been rocking those on the daily! Elder Greene said I looked like his first grade teacher hahah!
Wednesday we had interviews with President Smith, and it was one of the most spiritual experiences I've ever had. I know that the Priesthood leaders of this church, especially mission presidents, are called of God. Just another testimony to me of the truthfulness of this gospel.
The Moellers fed us again and their five kids chased a fly the whole dinner it was hilarious!
OK The KENSTER!!!! Kenny! He's getting baptized on SATURDAY! Yes, you read that right! This Saturday!!!!! Oh my goodness words do not explain the joy I have for him. Yesterday we taught our last lesson on Tithing and Fasting and not gonna lie, I thought it might be a deal breaker for him. Well after we taught tithing, he was like "Yeah that totally makes sense, I'll do it." So I'm thinking sweet hard part's over, NOT QUITE! Kenny isn't your average Joe! Ha! So we teach fast offering and he goes "What! You want me to not eat! I HAVE to have BIG meals" HAHAHAH I was SO taken back that he was willing to pay part of his income in faith, but not skip a couple meals I don't know why but it struck my funny bone! He's just so funny and he's so flippin prepared for the gospel it's unreal. Yesterday he told us he might go on a mission one day! He's so awesome!
ok final words from yours truly... Carrying a big stick, aka your testimony of the Stick of Ephraim- The Book of Mormon. Testimony is the only thing we have. Really. And I believe that's why it's so powerful. All we have to know that Joseph Smith truly did see God the Father and His son Jesus Christ in the Sacred Grove, is his testimony. We stand as witnesses of God at all times, and in all things, and in all places. We don't have to shout, we just have to share. The spirit speaks softly but the impact it has is BIG. The Book of Mormon is the only way to know that all of this is true. When we are anchored in the words of Christ, we can testify boldly and the spirit will work through us. One of our Part-Member families we have been extremely involved with just dropped us and I'll admit I was at a loss as to what to say to them. I honestly could not hold back my tears as they were denying themselves the opportunity to be an eternal family. So in response to their concern and what seemed like a final answer I just opened my mouth and testified of the Book of Mormon. It had nothing to do with what they were worried about, but I knew it's what I have been called to bear my witness of. The family agreed to continue reading the Book of Mormon but will not be taking the lessons any longer. Although my heart felt crushed because of how much I love this sweet family, I know that they will come to find the truthfulness of the everlasting gospel. I know it. Those who have ears to hear, let them hear. So speak softly, let the spirit testify through you, but be anchored in your conviction of the Book of Mormon. It is the words of Christ. I know it and I cannot deny the miracles I have experienced because of it.
I love y'all so much!
-sister P E T E R S E N
pics or it didn't happen:
Stewbies with a captial S, |
car selfie for the win |
and lastly my home girl Marie (Age 89) and no she did not want to take this picture, all I remember her saying when I asked was "I always hated chocolate" |
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