Over hill over dale. IT WAS A SUPERB WEEK. MIRACULOUS if you will.
Tuesday during conference call President Smith ended the call saying, "AS THE MISSION PRESIDENT, I HEREBY DECLARE THIS MIRACLE WEEK!" And let me just say the faith of the missionaries in the Florida panhandle shot up ten thousand freight trains full!
MIRACLE #1- Kenny got baptized *** AHHHHH. It was so amazing. We got up uber early and played beach volleyball with the district for exercise, and then we headed to the church to fill up the font. Everything went awesome. Kenny came with his family and Brother Atrice did the ordinance. The whole meeting was really awesome but what was even better was the next day when he got confirmed. He looked so sharp and pure. I feel very humbled that Heavenly Father let me teach Kenny. We tracted into his house the first day of this transfer and Baptized him the last. IT HAPPENS. People are here and they are prepared.
Kenny |
MIRACLE #2- While on exchanges in the nearby town of Crestview, I was at the park doing studies with my STL Sister Jamison. She was talking to me and I had a random thought about Spencer serving in the Czech Republic and how the heck he found people to teach. I was interrupted in this thought when Sis Jamison wanted to go talk to a family who was rock hunting (Crestview thing, don't ask) (I'm in the South, get over it). So we go over and not 30 seconds into the conversation, Jennie tells us she did a mission for her church in the Czech Republic. MY JAW DROPPED, I'm not a codfish so I quickly shut it! We talked with Jennie and her 20-year-old daughter Rennie for two hours about missions and the restored gospel and the Crestview sisters are now going to teach them! It was amazing. I'm still amazed.
MIRACLE #3- Shauna. A referral from the Elders. She told us to come teach her Sunday at 3. So we stopped by and she was in a frenzy because of a financial crisis. I didn't really know what to say to her and I thought she was just looking for money so I wanted to leave. Well the spirit very firmly told me I was needed there. I told her we can't help with what she needed money wise, but as she listened to our message everything would work out. We testified of the gospel and Jesus Christ and she told us she's been waiting for God to answer her. I testified that we were servants of God representing his son Jesus Christ. She very humbly and quietly responded with tears running down her face, "I believe you." I will never forget the rest of the conversation we had with her and the power of God that I felt. Her body was filthy and her house reeked of cigarette smoke, but Shauna's eyes shined with the hope of Christ brighter than I've ever seen in my life. Truly miraculous to be in the presence of God's children. Shauna is getting baptized July 22nd.
God is pouring out miracles on us every second of the day. Faith proceeds the miracle. Look to Christ the author and finisher of our faith. I'm getting transferred to Marianna on Wednesday, so in my farewell to Fort Walton Beach all I can say is "Other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd" which shepherd is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Glory be His.
-sister P E T E R S E N 
Pics- Saving souls and saving lives just for you pops, Kenny gets dunked, and Ruth's Crappy Happy song (: Enjoy!
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