alright alright alright.
Well nothing toooooooo exciting this week. Me and Sister Ramadhar tracted a lot. We are searching out the elect that will respond to the message of Christ. You meet some crazy people tracting let me tell ya. hahah. It's crazy how much people will talk to complete strangers about their life story. But I love hearing about what makes people who they are.
Wednesday we had Zone training alllllllll dayyyyyyyy. It was really good though. Our challenge from the ZL's was 'No Faith Killing Comments'!!! I challenge all of you to that. Don't kill your faith with negative comments or thoughts!
basically everything down south is awesome. The members are awesome. The food is awesome. The work is awesome.
Mannnnnnnnnnnn people need Jesus. Like the real Jesus. haha at the beach there's this dude that does sermons that's shirtless and probs has so much skin cancer, but people call him "Beach Jesus" hahaha.
It's challenging finding teachable people down here that are humble to our message. They know so much about Jesus Christ and they have such strong faith in Him as their savior, but all of their views are a little skewed and they don't have the FULLNESS of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I've thought a lot about why I was blessed to be born into the church and have that knowledge and I came to the conclusion that Heavenly Father truly blessed me so I could be a tool in blessing the lives of others. When we're out tracting or meeting people, a lot of them will open the door and be like "Oh I'm baptist(or whatever religion they are)" and go to close the door, and I always give the same reaction of telling them how cool it is to talk to someone else that believes in Jesus Christ. Most of the time we don't get much further in the conversation but their hearts are softened when they acknowledge that we believe in the same things as them.
So yes, being in the South are the celestial missions, but they also have challenges. And I think one of those challenges is overcoming the fear of offending people. As missionaries our purpose is to bring others unto Christ and His restored Gospel and when we reach out with love and charity, the spirit will not offend the elect. I was set apart as a representative of Jesus Christ by priesthood authority, that means I have been given the authority and power to teach people repentance and the things necessary for them to be baptized. I've had confirmation over and over that this is the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and that priesthood authority is legit.
So real talk, this is the true church of Jesus Christ and if you don't believe me, ASK THE MISSIONARIES.
"Foreign missionaries become humbled, State-Side missionaries become refined, and Southern missionaries become scholars."
I have been humbled in this foreign land of the southern culture, I am being refined every single day, and hopefully I can become a scholar of the doctrine so I can truly help change the lives of so many in need.
DCK. Remember who you are. Look both ways. Don't forget about me. Don't start Grease fires, unless the floor is smoking from your John Travolta dance moves. Love y'all
- sister P E T E R S E N☀
- sister P E T E R S E N☀
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