Well let's see... me and Sister Ram made a music video in the car and it was legit right? So we go to watch it and it wasn't even recording!!!! What are ya gonna do.
Ok Fort Walton is a lot like Ogden. Um not like the pretty mountains and stuff but the downtown side of Ogden, at least that's how our area is. But whoever designed this city was whack. It's way confusing at first. There's no "nice neighborhoods" it's all just a huge mixing pot. Like trailer parks next to a strip of townhouses, and then there's sketchy apartments, and then there's gated driveways for mansions on the water. It's so random! but it's so fun because you meet A TON of different people just in one day! It's made up of Military, Southerners, and all walks of life really.
The food down here is the same. But there's a lot of chicken. There's this seafood shack owned by a member and they feed us for free whenever we want. So we stop by there about once a week and get some potato salad and fish tacossssss. But other than that food is normal.
This week in Fort Walton Beach:
- JW's bible bashed
- I got a strike in Bowling at the Old Folks home we visit every Friday
- Sister Bird, a ward missionary and my bff with the cutest kids, got us 4 pizzas for coordination!!! YOU ALREADY KNOW I PUT AWAY 2 1/2 of them!!!!
- We got a really uncomfy referral so we checked it out with our body guard who also happens to be our ward mission leader, Bro Attrice. He played football for Air Force. And long story short the guy didn't even open the door and later he texted told us to never come back haha. So yeah we'll be taking Brother Attrice with us more often... Angels homies. And the priesthood. It's real.
- Caught up on the District DVD for training. It's like missionary Soap Opera. Everyone knows the people on it and we watch it with popcorn! hahaha last episode Jackie and Caleb got married! Woot woot!
- Bro Brock (1st Counselor in Bishopbric) strongly asked us to join choir for Easter. Sis Ram has the voice of an angel so she rejoiced at the opportunity
Can you see the deer? |
- While tracting I saw this random stuffed deer head in the bush like for decoration or something, I pointed it out and sister Ram screamed so loud and fell into the road! hahaaa
- Yesterday we taught this inactive sister in our ward named Marie. She's 88 and stopped going to church 60 years ago. She has so much faith in Jesus Christ and as we taught her she accepted the gospel with an open heart. But her only hold back is that she feels she is too old to truly change her life. She told us that it would do no good for her now to change her habits. This is just like us!!!! Sometimes I think the past happened and there's nothing I can do to change it, no! Because of the atonement of Jesus Christ we ALWAYS have another chance. We can always change. Whether you're 19 or 88. Let the Redeemer change you. Marie is coming back into the fold. Slowly but surely. So for those of you who aren't 88, don't be like Marie and wake up one day to missionaries knocking at your door, choose today to be anxiously engaged in the gospel. Choose today to Come Unto Christ.
That's really about all the exciting news. Peace and Blessings. Love y'all. Go make a difference today.
-Sister P E T E R S E N 
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