So I'll tell a quick story with each of my photos
-My snakester. We were walking on campus and it's practically d e a d because it's finals week right before summer break aka not a soul really wants to talk to us. So we (I) chased down this girl holding a snake and she had to take the picture for me because Sister Mifflin was standing twenty feet away HAHAHAHA, in the end the girl wasn't really that interested haha
-Katy Lu (: She is my person. I feel like there's a special moment when you meet that soul you were sent to save and Katy was mine. She is so special to me. Sacred. This summer she is going home and we introduced her to her sisters so they can take care of her. I will never forget the spiritual witnesses that I've had being with her. Every time we talk I know that God is real and His love is so deep for Katy. I know Heavenly Father has a detailed plan for her returning home.
-For 17 months all I can think of everyday is how much I love my little brother Oskar. He has taught me so much about gentleness and love. He is the most caring passionate person I know. This week he received his mission call, assigned to the Mexico, Hermosillo Mission. I could not be more proud of his decision and determination to serve. I love this kid.

-Sister Gale got transferred this week because of her wedding proposal hahah but it was actually so sad. She is such a good missionary. SO loving and has a deep desire to share the truths of the gospel! WOW I LOVE HER! I will never forget our jam sessions and her beautiful voice singing Called to Serve (;

-SISTER p e t e r s e n 
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