Yesterday I went to a rock concert church and it was...... pretty awesome, actually if we didn't have the priesthood, and temples, and the Book of Mormon, and the fullness of the gospel, and stuff, I might consider converting. Just imagine how much me and Sister Evensen worshipped yesterday, it was awesome. They had fog machines and laser lights and a yelling pastor and the whole nine yards. It was great! Very apostate, but great!
TRACY CAME TO CHURCH. I REPEAT TRACY CAME TO CHURCH! No texts, no calls, nothing for weeks! And then, the gospel principles door opened and she walked in and sat down next to me like it was no big deal. IT WAS A HUGE DEAL. Wow. We couldn't even sit still we were so happy. I'm still smiling just writing this.
We finished Addy's lessons yesterday (: She's getting baptized next Sunday! Super super super excited!
Sister Evensen is twenty. aka super old. Either I have dirty glasses or she has wrinkles...
Friday we ate at a member's home and she fed us pizza, God is real.
Marina!!! Wow. WOW. Wednesday night I taught the Ramos family with Sister Pipe. We taught very simply and powerfully why Jesus Christ is our Savior through the atonement. It was very spiritual. The best part of the lesson to me was when we asked her if she feels God's love and she told us yes. Because she would never be able to sacrifice her child for anyone. I know my words are weak, but this evening was very pivotal for her. I am so grateful for all the unseen angels in their living room that night. Thank you all for her prayers. Please, keep praying. She is so, so very close. I love this family very much.
Finally, our triumphant baking experiment. Me and Sister Evensen threw some stuff in a mixer and called them pumpkin cookies. I was very skeptical of how they would turn out. When the beeper on the oven went off, I asked Sister Evensen how they turned out. She turned and with the most loving look she exclaimed, "They're BEAUTIFUL."
Love you all! The weather dropped to the 70's today, really starting to feel like fall! Oh yeah, this is the true church and that's a fact. So at the great and spacious building church, the pastor gave a pretty bumpin speech. He said that thousands of fans don't buy season tickets to watch 11 grown men bend over in a huddle on the football field. They want to see how that huddle effects the game. That's how our church, scriptures, and prayer is. What are we taking onto the field after we have our personal huddle with God?
Get your game face on. Go wear your jersey with confidence in the true and living God.
- SISTER p e t e r s e n 
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