well GOOD MORNING from the MTC!!! What a crazy couple of days aye? so the first day we got here once I got my luggage to my room and stuff I met my companion Sister Evensen!!!!! She is such an angel. seriously she is so sweet and way kind to everyone. Also she knows so many people here at the MTC haha.
I've seen a couple of kids I went to high school with so that makes it not as weird being here haha. (Zeke Grillo and Joseph Marriot came in the same day as me, but Aaron Dixon and Casey Bond have been here for awhile. I haven't seen Casey yet but I am determined to find him before he heads out soon. Oh and I ran into Elder Hansen from my ping pong class at USU hahaha) I love seeing people I know because it reminds me that we're all just normal kids ha.
So I met Sister Evensen and we walked to our first class where we met with our district. We were all pretty quiet at first but it's getting kind of fun now. Half of our district is going to Florida, some Tallahassee and some Tampa, the two sisters sharing a room with us Sister Alder from St. George on the left and Sister Frye from Parker,CO on the right, are going to Tampa. And then the other half of our district is going to Louisiana, and then we have a random elder going to Chicago hahaha. It's way fun. I don't know any of them very well but we've had some good chats about the last airbender and Psych. oh good ol' Gus. My zone leaders and sisters are SO AWESOME!!!!! really they are way great. The sisters are headed to the Philidelphia visitor sites and on of the Elders is going to Zimbabwe or something.
Ok so we met our district and then we met with the mission president and stuff. and my comp is way awesome and she's related to him and his wife so we got a picture with them after. yeah basically my sister is kind of a big deal. just saying. Haha.
The food here is awesome! It's not too bad. and lot's too eat. Better watch myself before I go to the south. Yikes. OH I MET SISTER HART! she's the gal I've been friends with on Social media that's going to my mission!!! she is so sweet. Gosh I love her. Every time I see her it reminds me that there is light and the end of this dark mtc tunnel. lololol florida could not come soon enough (;
I really do like it here, it's just kind of hard to go all day long in classes and stuff. But it's all good. Me and my comp memorized our purpose yesterday because we're that good. lol. Oh yeah my companion's brother served with Jarron Burnham in Montana. I think she said they're good friends.
Yeah my comp is pretty chill. She's from Alpine and graduated from Lone Peak. She's been going to BYU this year and she got her call SIX WEEKS AGO!! isn't that crazy sauce?!?! Yeah but she is so cute and loving.
I really love being a missionary. Wearing Christ's name on my chest is so powerful. You can feel the spirit all the time here and dad's right, the mtc is like Hogwarts with a special magical safety dome protecting all of us. My teachers are pretty cool. Sister Ditto just got back from Can Van mish. haha she's way cool and this other Elder in my district is from Vancouver Washington. Yeah when I found that out I knew heavenly father was just giving me temporary angels while mine are in North Ogden.
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The first day we were here we did a group teaching thing where we all just passed around a microphone and there was an investigator at the front of the room. Not gonna lie this fake investigator thing is kind of hard for me to take seriously and I feel like I am totally detracting from the spirit.....yeah gotta work on taking it for reals haha. But anyway this first day the lady that was playing the investigator told us she was from the south raised Baptist and then later in her life her mom and two daughters joined the church but she didn't want anything to do with it. And then her one daughter died and she just wants to love Jesus and stuff. So I wasn't really planning on saying anything at first because I was just paying attention to what other missionaries were saying and a lot of them were going on tangents about their own personal experiences and I was like 'UH uh BUMP ALL DIS! GIVE ME THE MIC" haha jk it just came to me. And I told Jackie that as Representatives of Jesus Christ we were there to share with her the message of eternal families and Christ's real true gospel that he restored through Joseph Smith, and Jackie got really emotional. The spirit was way strong in the room even if it was a set up haha. This experience with Jackie got me so pumped to go teach my Jesus Loving family in the South!!!!
Another quick couple of things.... Yesterday one of our teachers told us that since we are set apart as representatives of Christ we are apostles with lowercase "a's". She was quoting someone but I don't remember. But that was super powerful and it totally shifted my focus on the sacred nature of my calling. I love representing the savior and I hope I can serve him to the best of my ability.
That's about how my days have been going. It's hard getting through classes and lessons and I have a lot of respect for any missionary that has to be here more than 3 weeks. I can't imagine. hahaha. props to you. It's hard to stay awake even when I do get enough sleep. But I love it here. I hope I do everything I can to be prepared to hit the field.
Oh yeah ps. We got iPads for the mtc and I can read my emails during free time and stuff whenever I want throughout the week but I can only write emails and letters on Pday which is kind of a tossup. So I can read all week but I can't reply unless it's Friday. So yeah, if you're dying to tell me something or even if you just want to tell me a lame joke feel free the next few weeks because I love reading your emails. It gives me the boost and perspective of why I'm here, to share the blessings that I've been given in my life with all of God's children in the South that I can touch.
I love you all very much. Please send me everyone's emails. Like Jaymie and Brooke and stuff because I am a ditz and I don't have anyone's.
I love you and the Lord loves you. God Speed kiddos.
Love your Sister Petersen (:
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