We're gathered here today to remember our dear loved one Sister Evensen, who is graduating from this period of her mortal life. She was a fighter. Her name will always be engraved on the hearts of many in Bama including for starters my own. This soldier has changed my life and impacted the history of the world. Tallahassee 6 is gaining the best of the best of the best SIR. I truly had the time of my life fighting dragons with her. Only Jesus Christ and probably Mama Suz truly understand how much I adore and love Liz Evensen from Alpine Utah. I thank my Heavenly Father every day that she is a soul I have in this life to call my friend.
On another note, this week changed my mission. We have some really incredible people we're working with. One of our bff members Sister Schuerman (Nikos aka Dumbledore's mom) referred us to her neighbor and Katrina is SO COOL. She loved the Restoration and when we taught her about Joseph Smith she was like "whoa, I have chills." It was cool. But there were a lot of distractions so even though she got a lot out of it we didn't really feel the spirit, it was weird haha.
Thursday the RS threw a baby shower for Marina Ramos at Olive Garden! Oh it was such a blast! I love this woman with all my heart she is so great! Her mom was visiting from Moldova and only speaks Russian. Well when we were leaving her mom grabbed my bag of leftovers and would not give it back because she thought it was hers.. I was anxious. I wanted my leftovers woman. I EAT CANNED SOUP, GIVE ME MY RAVIOLI! Long story short through an awkward broken conversation I got my food.... I'll spare you the details...
Friday we had a mission wide no car day and it was supposed to be really faith promoting and seeing a bunch of miracles but we just got stranded and had to walk and waste a bunch of time...... I guess it built our character or something. HAHAH
Saturday my testimony got wrecked. We visited a family who hasn't come to church in a while and apparently they converted to Catholicism. He was so nicely and cunningly vicious. Like he would compliment us and then just stab doctrine and testimony and he liked completely ripped apart the character of Joseph Smith. We left on a good note but all that night my spirit was hurting so bad. The next day at church was not a fix. In Sunday School our class very quickly got into deep doctrine and the elders were scrambling like turkeys because their investigator was there for the first time and she was SO FREAKED OUT! So basically it was like a million stress levels and a half.
By the end of the block I was drained. The elders had a baptism for these two kids right after church and that's when God lifted all my burdens off my back. President Jurgens over our stake, pulled me and Sister Evensen out to ask us about something and we ended up debriefing our work with him. He gave us so much good advice about being a missionary for Jesus Christ and truly understanding what we are offering people. He told us that the "darkest night is just before the dawn." It changed my mission. I felt so powerful walking out of that divinely appointed meeting. The rest of the day went seamlessly. And the most piercing miracle of my full-time service occurred.
Two days previous we met a kid named Damelle who was home early from school. Because of time this was the only house we knocked on in this huge cul-de-sac. When we came back to see him Sunday night I felt a special presence of something about to take place that I would forever be a witness to. His mother then answered the door. Damelle was attending a night session at their church but we told her who we were and Danyka invited us in. We sat five feet away from her small, humble, living room and we answered questions she had about God. We explained to her how important our message of the Restoration of Jesus Christ's gospel is and the spirit shielded the entire room. Every word that we spoke was not from us but it pierced her heart with truth. Danyka heard, for the first time in her life, two ordained ministers of Jesus Christ. She is getting baptized December 9th and I plead with each person reading this to pray for her family. Pray that they will not forget that night.

Sometimes being a missionary is rough. But Jesus Christ never had it easy, so why should we? He will shape our backs to carry our load. He is working through us at every turn. Brothers and Sisters, I testify to you that this truly is the fullness of times. God has a prophet on this earth. Now is the time to arise and bring our families back with us.
"It doesn't matter how hard you hit, it matters how hard you get hit and get up and keep going."
-SISTER p e t e r s e n