Let me just tell you a thing or two about the Marianna ward.
1. They are more jolly than anyone I've ever met
2. They know how to cook!
So I got two stories for y'all. Saturday night we had a ward pioneer celebration. There was tons and tons of BBQ'd meat. OH MY YUM!!! Holy canoli kids it was divine! So here's the hitch, it started at 5:00 but our Ward Mission Leader insisted on doing the pioneer/restoration program beforehand, to make sure we had everyone's attention before it got crazy with the food. Debatable. Anywho! This program lasted and hour and twenty five minutes. I am not kidding right now. Meanwhile the whole gym smelled like brisket and baked beans. My dad would've had a cardiac arrest. Halfway through this program I was about to lose it, seriously I was mad. And then, I looked back, and half the crowd was filled with non members who were engaged in the video that was being played. It was a call to repentance for me! The whole night ended very well! SO many people came and the food.... oh the food... I don't think I can ever live anywhere besides the south and that's a fact. But a plus to the program was that our primary marched into the gym singing "The Pioneer Children Sang As They Walked and Walked and Walked..." It was super cute to see all five of them singing their hearts out.
Alright alright alright. Sunday morning during ward council they were asking us about the situation when we got a gun pulled on us. I thought they asked, "What did you do? (Meaning how did you react to the gun)" but what they meant was "What did you do? (Meaning WHY did they pull a gun)" So I answered saying, "We just said Howard Wimberly" THE ROOM EXPLODED WITH LAUGHTER! Everyone thought that's why we got the gun, Brother Wimberly is our ward mission leader ps, it was so funny! Bro. W knew what I meant but everyone was laughing so hard I couldn't correct myself. The stake president was attending and he leaned over and said "I think Sister Petersen has been in this ward too long, y'all are rubbing off on her!" Everyone thought it was so funny, they even patted my back and commented on it the rest of the day. They all think I'm very witty.
Moral of this story: I felt extremely bad because I hate jokes at the expense of another person, but the ward has officially accepted me as their own. #worthit Bishop Sims pulled an audible for 5th Sunday and gave us a missionary pump up speech. Coincidence that I get them on my good side and then they help us....? Perhaps. There is no secret ingredient..... but the ward thinks I'm funny so that's a win.
This week has been very humbling and inspiring. Our investigators are all struggling right now with various issues. It really hurts my heart and some nights I just don't know what more to do for them. In Fort Walton a member told me "the difference between grieving and discouragement is the lack of hope." I learned in zone conference that we have to have faith, but not just faith, Faith in the savior Jesus Christ. I have faith that He succors his people. I have faith this is his work, his children, his timing.
-sister P E T E R S E N 
ps. I know I sound like my father in this entire email, don't remind me :):):):):)
my favorite humans send me my favorite things :) :) :)
Frankly Scarlett this is my dream house!
(PICTURES ARE NOT LOADING!! I'll try again later, mom)