subject has nothing to do with my week.... everyone is just celebrating Mardi Gras down here and I have been struggling with a clever subject.... lol #sorrsnotsorrs
Miracles. Miracles. Miracles. Straight blessed. Ok this week has gone so fast it really seems like a blur so I will tell y'all just some of the crazy miracles that God let me experience.
Miracle right there! |
-We gave a Book of Mormon to our neighbor and SHE invited US back tonight! So solid.
-A member in our ward got us TONS of groceries right when we both ran out of money on our card
-We walked in home in the sketchiest neighborhood ever without getting mugged
-I have gone without sugar for 32 hours now, but who's counting..... hah
-I got a package from my favorite family the Weaver's yesterday!!!!!! ahhhh no post on Sundays! Unless the ZL's bring it from Tally. hahaha
-And finally, My bowling team, (Me, sis R, Elders Waddell, Cornforth, and Magnusson) GOT A TURKEY IN BOWLING TODAY WOOOOOOOOO. lol I broke 100... personal record.

On Saturday we had a Stake Women's Conference and the theme was "Choose Joy, Make Covenants" I learned SO MUCH about choosing joy in our circumstances. We don't get to choose for other people. And sometimes we have to be the ones to suffer from other people's agency, but we do have the power of how we want to react to things. Choose to be joyful. Heavenly Father didn't send us down here to be miserable and just go from day to day and then die. No. He sent us down here so we can enjoy ALL that life has to offer. I promise that when you choose to have joy, the covenants we have made with Heavenly Father will empower us to feel that joy. Make Convenants ---> Receive Power-----> Feel Joy. That's all there is to it. Mormons aren't trying to work their way into Heaven, we are choosing to have joy in this life and making sacred binding promises with God to obtain those blessings and joy.
Last story because I am sooooo tired of typing today haha. I had to speak yesterday in our ward and my dad told me that whenever you speak, start with a story because people are more inclined to listen haha. So I thought a lot about what story I would share and I had nothing. Our opening Hymn was "High on a Mountaintop" WHEWWWWW. SO powerful. I told my ward how when I was little and growing up my dad would always lead us in that song at the top of mountains at the peak of our hikes. The words in that hymn are so amazing. As members of the church, it is our sacred calling to spread the gospel and to shout it from the mountaintops. Us as missionaries are just servants Full-time, but EVERY MEMBER IS A MISSIONARY. You have a call to share the gospel and spread your light of Christ to those around you. Be strong examples of the believers.
I love you all. Sorry for the longish email. Don't let Satan get you down, he's a real bugger sometimes.
- Sister P E T E R S E N
Pics- Photo shoot with our miracle groceries, our typical dinner, and my best friend. Her name is Emma (: she always holds my hand and I love her. Don't mind the nasty sticky sweaty me after our weekly kickball game. haha. But Emma is cute (: